Negative Ions Energy



Negative ion tablets absorb positive ions onto their surface, removing those ions that are harmful to well-being from the environment. At the same time, it maintains the negative ions that are very good for health. Thus balancing the air of the environment and bringing well-being to your family.

KEAM Energies


Ceramic tablets with infrared waves and frequencies from 4 to 16 microns and trillions of vibrations.


Ceramic tablets with infrared plus antibacterial composition.


Ceramic tablets with infrared with biodegradable polymeric technology.


Combination of special magnets with 3850 gauss + Ceramic magnets with 800 gauss

Many researchers of “negative ionization” have posited that being exposed to negative ions can have positive effects. Part of this is due to the chemical reactions that ions have with your bodily tissues and DNA.

Intelli Density®

- Progressive Density
- Intelligent amortization system
- Perfect support of shoulders and hips
- Prevents bad posture during sleep.

Memory Foam Mattresses

It does not distribute the weight of the body, compressing the shoulders and hips, compromising joints and circulation.

Spring Mattresses

Misaligns the spine causing vices of bad posture and other health problems.

FAQ | Negative Ions

What is Negative Ions?

Ever been up in the mountains, at the beach, or in a thunderstorm and suddenly felt a huge change in your mood? That’s not just a feeling of awe. It might be negative ions.

Negative ions are molecules floating in the air or atmosphere that have been charged with electricity.

How does Negative Ions work?

Negative ions exist in nature in tons of places, including:

- ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun

- discharges of electricity in the air after a thunderclap or lightning strike

- wherever water collides Trusted Source with itself like a waterfall or the ocean shore (creating the Lenard effect)

- produced as part of the normal growth process for many plants

Why Negative Ions?

Proponents of negative ionization make a lot of seemingly lofty claims about its mental health benefits in particular.

Research supports exposure to negative ions:

- reducing symptoms of depression for some people

- having an activating influence on some body systems and cognitive performance

- promoting antimicrobial activity

Negative Ions x Depression

2013 review of scientific literature on negative ionization published between 1957 and 2012 found that ionization had no impact on people’s general mental health but did find a notable effect on people with depression.

Hours of negative ion exposure may reduce symptoms of depression:

High levels of exposure (like several hours or more) to negative ions caused people with chronic depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD) to record lower scores on surveys of their depression symptoms.

Shorter duration of negative ion exposure may positively affect seasonal depression:

Lower levels of exposure (just 30 minutes or so) were only enough to help people affected by SAD.

A very small 2015 study didn’t find any major effects on mood or mental health from negative ions. But this study did find a small improvement on cognitive performance after short-term exposure to increased negative ions

Effect of negative ionization on many facets of human health

2018 review of ionization literature also found an effect of negative ionization on many facets of human health. Researchers looked at 100 years of studies and found evidence that negative ions could:

> help regulate sleep patterns and mood

> reduce stressboost immune system function

> increase metabolism of carbs and fats

> kill or inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, viruses, and mold species, such as E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and the bacterium that causes tuberculosis

Is Negative Ions ceramic tablets present in all KEAM mattresses?

Negative Ions ceramic tablets are presents only in our Infusion Energy and Infusion Hybrid models.

Is Negative Ion ceramic tablets dangerous?

No, the use of our negative ion ceramic tablets is totally secure for human bodies.

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