RelaxTek® | Kromo



Chromotherapy is on the list of the main alternative or complementary techniques recognized by the WHO – World Health Organization – since 1976. It is the practice of using colors to restore physical, emotional, intellectual balance and even prevent diseases.


Chromotherapy is the use of the visible spectrum, or color light, to heal the physical, mental and spiritual energy imbalance that tends to lead to disease.

Light Spectrum

The human body is composed of all colors from the visible light spectrum. Each color of the spectrum has a different effect on the mind, body, and emotions.

Benefits of Chromotherapy

Chromotheray may contributes to: eases depression and anxiety (especially seasonal depression), improves mood and sleep and also boosts energy acting with anti-aging properties

Electronic Vibro massaging system capable to provide smoothing or energizing massage with pulse vibrations, continuous waves, and speed and intensity control.

Intelli Density®

- Progressive Density
- Intelligent amortization system
- Perfect support of shoulders and hips
- Prevents bad posture during sleep.

Memory Foam Mattresses

It does not distribute the weight of the body, compressing the shoulders and hips, compromising joints and circulation.

Spring Mattresses

Misaligns the spine causing vices of bad posture and other health problems.

FAQ | Kromo®

What is Kromo?

Kromo (Chromotherapy) can be defined as the method that, through colors, provides balance and harmony between body, mind, and emotions. Each color has a specific function, as well as an energetic vibration that acts on different points of the human body.

How does Kromo work?

When activating the CHROMOTHERAPY mode in the control, the magnetized colors impact those points of the human body, restoring and energizing what is unbalanced through the energy of colors.

Is Kromo present in all KEAM mattresses?

Kromo energy system is infused in our RelaxTek vibro massage system and it is present in our Infusion Energy and Infusion Hybrid models.


(i) users of pacemakers, defibrillators, insulin pumps, or cochlear implants.

(ii) women who are pregnant;

(iii) infants;

(iv) individuals with osteoporosis in advanced stages, thrombosis, blood clot, and chronic internal or external bleeding conditions;

(v) during the recovery period of any kind of surgery; or

(vi) those with any additional conditions that prohibit the use of products that emit a magnetic field or contain electronic massage components, may be
hazardous to your health.

Does Kromo come with a mobile app?

Yes, our RelaxTek system can be controlled entirely from iOS or Android phones. Access the RelaxTek User Guide and download your application right now.

Our system works with 12 preset colors and different shades. The system is activated through the button with a lamp shape. With the keys it is possible to select which color you prefer, and the
function is shown on the alpha- numeric display.

Functions: F0 Static | F1 Radom Slow | F2 Quick Radom | F3 Strobe | F4 Fade

Kromo Colors

- Yellow: It is a vivid color that influences the mind, aiding reasoning and diverting obsessive thoughts.
- Blue: It is the color that brings patience and serenity, helping to calm the mind and body.
- White: White is directly linked to the purity of the spirit and the unconscious. It is the color that symbolizes peace.
- Gray: It is the symbol of balance and conflict solutions.
- Orange: It is the restorative and regenerating color, assists in emotional recovery.
- Red: It is the color of achievements, courage.
- Brown: It is the color that binds us with strength and represents the idea of responsibility. It is a color that aids in the organization of both thoughts and objects.
- Gold: It's the color of intelligence, creativity, and study.
- Pink: It brings affection, love, unity. It helps balance personal and professional relationships.
- Purple: color that can help to ease and calm mental problems and the nervous system.
- Turquoise: It shows imagination, creativity, and communication power.
- Green: It's a calming color that brings balance.

Why Chromotherapy Works?

Light is an integral part of human life and color acts as a mood trigger, as well as a trigger for other psychological reactions. When light hits a surface, its wavelength changes and reveals its color, which helps indicate its significance to us. It’s an evolved trait for colors to have such profound effects on our mind and body. For example, bright fruit with saturated color is more appetizing than brown or pail-colored fruit because it indicates ripeness. When you look out at the deep blue ocean, you’ll feel calm. When the sun is setting with reds and oranges you feel energized. These effects are so significant that they’re often implemented to achieve an intended effect.

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